Sunday 6 November 2011

Hanging with the dogs of the sea!

Another Sunday, another post, though a short one I feel:)
Today was spent in the great outdoors! Although winter is setting in (we have had lots of rain and it is getting much colder) me and my roommate went on a sunset kayaking trip in Monterey Bay this afternoon. I was excited for the trip but after a great white shark attack on a surfer in the area 5 days ago my excitement was dampened somewhat! But after the initial 15mins I completely forgot about the shark and what could be underneath me and just enjoyed the beautiful scenery. It was so gorgeous and peaceful. Pelicans, sea otters, seals and sea lions joined us on our trip on the slightly choppy pacific ocean as we paddled out of the harbour, round the boardwalk and wharf for a few hours! A real arm and shoulder workout! I will admit there were times when a piece of kelp would rise up and resemble a fin and completely freak me out (doesn't the attack in Jaws happen at dusk...I thought so!).

The sea lions like to hang out underneath the wharf and they are so loud! You can hear them from miles away. Hearing the sea lions you can see why they are called 'dogs of the sea'! On Saturday a few of us went down to the wharf to see them and look for whales as the humpbacks have been in the bay (didn't see any unfortunately!) but I hear they are still around so I am keeping a look out! This video I took shows how loud they are!

Can't think of anything else to report. Next weekend is Veterans weekend so a day off on Friday...trip to San Francisco? Yes please!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely photos Jen, leave the Seals there I don't think we need any in the bath at home!
