Sunday 4 March 2012

Bizness timmmee

Title of this blog is homage to a new song by a band that is new to me that I have just fallen in love with. It is perfect to listen to when the sun is shining:) It is called 'Bizness' by Tune-Yards so go check it out! Not to be confused with the Flight of the Concords guys' skit on Business Socks, though if you haven't seen that, go check that out too!

A very quiet week regarding fun stuff. Lots of work. That side of my life has not been quiet at all! I am almost finished with my Disney project with fewer tears and tantrums than I expected but I am glad to almost have that behind me! I will show you my wonderful creation when it is finished. I have to present it in section on Thursday and on Monday, Wednesday and Friday I have spanish exams which have been killing me. My friend who is on her year abroad in South Carolina is coming to visit on Wednesday for 6 days and I want to have as much work done as possible so running myself into the ground this week so we can relax next weekend: whale watching, beach, boardwalk, food, sun, it is going to be marvelous!

Today, three of us went to see a play called The Thinning Veil on campus, written and directed by my Disney lecturer. It is this new kind of theater style where it takes place in two locations, linked via cameras, microphones and screens. Dangerous. Very dangerous. Too many things can go wrong when relying on technology in a live situation. I was preparing for the worst but in fact there were not that many glitches, a few sound mishaps and a camera shutting off every now and again but I appreciated the style. The story itself was based on Greek myths; Homer, Sophocles, Euripides and Aeschylus, so of course there was a bit of incest, a lot of violence and strange, unpronounceable names. To be honest, I wasn't really sure what was going on half the time. I got the basic gist of revenge for murder, family feuds, war, sexuality etc but as it was told in a more modern setting there were injections of facebook, blogging, texting and random clips of George Bush declaring war on Afghanistan. There was quite a lot to do with the Middle East underlying the story; oil, weapons of mass destruction, rape and persecution. From what I got from it, I don't think my lecturer is a supporter of American involvement over there, and is not a republican! I enjoyed it though. It had a dark, mysterious mood going on with cast members dressed in black rags, hissing into the audiences' ears which is really really uncomfortable but was great for the play!
Speaking of the theater department on campus, it is MASSIVE. There are many different theaters, including a few outside ones, like this one that I came across in the woods:

Again, the weather has been really hot recently, so much so that I had the balcony doors open for a while, went into the bedroom and found a bird sitting on my roommates bed! He wanted some shade obviously. Well I need to get back to espanol. I can't wait for Wednesday and this week to be over! I will leave you with random flowers that I thought were pretty. Oh and check out the last picture and see if you can see the cyclist enjoying himself as he goes over the hill!

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