Sunday 23 October 2011

Big ones, small ones, some as big as your 'ead: Meteors and Pumpkins

Again it is Sunday, end of week 5. Another busy week of studying and random American-ness!

At the beginning of the week I, and another friend, were dragged by my roommate to a ballroom dance class. I have to admit it was really good fun actually! We were taught how to rrhhuuummmbbaa and  American tango (what makes it American I don't know!) and I definitely got into it! A real mix of people there. We kept swapping partners throughout the class so sometimes you were dancing with a tall, dark haired, dancing Ben Affleck, other times, you were not. Got my dancing shows ready for tomorrow:)

Each college on campus has a college night about once a month where the dining hall is given a theme and they serve food and provide entertainment etc. Cowell's college night was a medieval night and I have never seen turkey legs that big before! Seriously they were like the size of my arm! They put loaves of bread on the tables to share and candles and crowns. They even served bread pudding and apple cider while we watched sword fighting and juggling! It must of cost the University a shed load of money but we paid nothing and enjoyed an evening of ye olde feasting and festivities!

On Friday night we heard rumors of a meteor shower happening between midnight and sunrise so we bundled up, stopped at Safeway for snacks and beer on the way, and headed down to Natural Bridges beach at 3am to lie on the sand and watch shooting stars! It was ffrreeezzziinngg cold but we saw lots of shooting stars, made lots of wishes and we were the only ones on the beach which made it the setting for some cheesy horror film (especially when Kelsey kept  'seeing' things moving). Having never seen a shooting star before it was pretty cool and though it wasn't the biggest meteor shower I don't care that I almost froze to death!

Two friends and I went to a pumpkin patch and corn maze yesterday (in the 30degree heat btw!) to pick out our pumpkins for Halloween which the Americans go crazy for! When I ask people what they are doing for halloween they reply by telling me what they are dressing up as. I say 'I'm guessing you are going to a fancy dress party then' and they reply with 'oh no, I don't know what i'm doing yet'....and yet you are dressing up regardless? I'm not a massive halloween fan but the pumpkin patch was fun! I have never seen so many pumpkins and you just walk down loads of rows of them, all different varieties and colours, to pick out the ones you want, put them in your wheelbarrow and wheel them up to the hut where you pay! I have great plans for the carving of my pumpkin however i'm pretty sure the image I have in my head will not translate onto the side of a pumpkin. The corn maze was hard, we found our way back to the entrance thinking it was the exit, but at least we made it out!

 In other news, I have booked my plane ticket to the OC to stay with a friend at the end of term! On our itinerary is Disneyland, LA and Laguna Beach so I am very excited for that! Ok, I will leave it there as I have an exam tomorrow that I have to revise for. It is ironic that back at Warwick week 6, for a humanities student, is reading week. A week off basically. At UCSC it is mid-term week. A week of exams, papers and altogether will be no fun. Though at least it is hot and I can revise outside in the sun! ahhh the silver lining. Perhaps I will order a take away...Dominos? No. Nite Owl cookies...Yes!

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