Sunday 29 January 2012

Get a Clue.

Sundays seem to come around a lot faster this quarter. Half of me is pleased as it means that it isn't long before one of my friends comes to visit me, and my trip to Nashville, Tennessee for Spring Break:D The other half is divided into 'Mid-terms are coming', 'I need to start thinking about my dissertation', 'I need to organise my life after this year abroad', all things that I have quite happily pushed to the back of my mind. Time to face the music...nearly. Perhaps next week.

Work wise this week has been a massive fail. I could not motivate myself to go to my Disney lectures, or start work on any essays I have got. The only thing I have managed to do solidly all week is  spanish. I had this sort of epiphany this week. I really really really want to know this language. Like that is my aim for this year. By Christmas 2012 I want to be comfortable speaking it, listening to it, reading it, you name it. Now I know that I will definitely not be fluent by then, at all. But I have noticed that my ability to read and write in spanish has really improved over these last few months, not necessarily my speaking though which is the useful part! Well, we shall see.

Haven't done much throughout the week. We had a college night that was Fairytale themed on Tuesday where they served things like 'Jack and the bean-casserole', gingerbread men, 'Three little pigs in a blanket' (which I hasten to add were not traditional english pigs-in-blankets!) etc etc. These nights are always fun; the acapella group performs, videos are watched, faces painted. We left pretty sharpish when two people came onto the stage dressed as Tinkerbell and Peter Pan and started performing the most cringy-est skit ever. Eugh my skin is still crawling thinking about that!

Last night me and my roommate went to a midnight showing of Clue at the cinema while actors from the Slugs in Fishnets group acted it out in front of the movie but just mouthed the words along to the movie in the background. I'm still not sure what I made to this. The movie itself was very funny, I had never seen it before and it definitely made me laugh from start to finish. The acting was entertaining most of the time, though I failed to see the point of it. I was too engrossed in the actual movie that I didn't watch them all that much. Another thing that I just couldn't get my head round was the audience and cast members standing in the back shouting out comments at the movie! Tim Curry would say "Look what we all have in common" and two dick-heads in the row in front would should out "HERPES!" But no-one else seemed to mind at all. In fact a lot of them joined in. I just couldn't get over it! My British sense of 'what are you doing? you are breaking the code of the cinema!' just took over!  It took so much will-power to not tell them to shut-the-hell-up (actually I would never have done that but if there was a time for me to start doing this...this would have been it). Eventually I think I relaxed and started to appreciate audience participation a bit more, but it was still weird! You know the one thing that cinema's and library's have in common...they demand silence! But all in all it was a good night. I just had to get over the initial shock at it all. Slugs in Fishnets are doing the same thing to the Rocky Horror Picture Show in a couple of weeks. I think I will go now I know what it is all about, and i'll probably enjoy it, if I leave my Britishness back at the apartment.

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