Sunday 1 April 2012

Me, Myself, and I

This week has been officially Spring Break, though I had an extended one due to finishing finals on the Tuesday of finals week! It has been really really nice to have some time off from doing any form of work or studying. So much so that I have a massive case of the sunday-night feeling in preparation for tomorrow when we start all over again. New classes, new books, new teachers, new schedules etc. None of my classes are as exciting as the ones from last quarter; Spanish 4 (Lord help me), Key Concepts in American Studies, and Asian American and Pacific Islander History. Better than any choices we have back at Warwick. Sorry, my home home university is not on my good side at the moment. The modules for next year look shocking, and all the ones that looked any good aren't running. Boo.

So my last days in Nashville were very chilled. We went for breakfast/brunch on Sunday to the Pfunky Griddle (yes that is how it is spelled) which was such a cool place. You are seated around a bit hot plate and then they bring you jugs of pancake batter and toppings for you to make your own! You would have thought that blueberries and peanut butter doesn't go together, but it does!

After brunch, my friend and I went to check out the Country Music Hall of Fame Museum which was brilliant. So well put together. You had all the costumes from past country music stars, the boots, the manuscripts, Elvis' old car, everything! We had great fun wandering around and stopping to dance under the big speakers! We put our line dancing skills to the test on one occasion and we looked sooo cool. I think the best part was the woman working at the front desk though. She greeted us so warmly and with a heavy southern drawl told us to "boot scoot on over there darlin'", I almost hugged her. That is just such a southern thing to say!

We got back from the Hall of Fame and hung out, with our iced caramel macchiatos, in the Vanderbilt radio station, where my friend works. We listened to a lot of music while burning them onto our laptops of course!

On the Monday, I was left to my own devices while my friend was in class, so as it was a really hot, sunny day I decided to walk around campus with my camera. Now as I have said before, Vanderbilt is a beautiful campus, full of gardens and old buildings. I was getting artsy with my camera and loving it, but ended up embarrassing myself as always. I was crouched in a bush taking some photos of flowers when a friggin campus tour stopped right next to me. I couldn't just stay in the bush for the next 10mins so I had to untangle myself from the branches and walk past them as though everything was normal. I got some really strange looks. I was very tempted to yell "I'm British" just to give them something to think about! I got some nice photos though:)

That afternoon we went to see The Hunger Games, even though neither of us had read the book and been told not to see it until we do. I'm glad we did, it is a brilliant film! I urge everyone to go see it! I'm waiting to get the book from amazon as we speak.

Monday night was my last night so we went and had some great seafood food, got some Ben and Jerry's (I tried the Jimmy Fallon one which included chocolate covered chips/crisps. Not a fan), watched My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding and Toddlers and Tiaras, then just hung out chatting with her friends. A great end to a great week in the south:)

Argh, the journey back was annoying. It involved 2 planes and 4 buses, and it all started at 3.30am. I was happy to get back to Santa Cruz and just flop on the couch. And that is pretty much where I have stayed for the past 5 days! I have been on my own as everyone is at home for Spring Break and I have actually really enjoyed myself! I have read some books in the sun, been to coffee shops, been for walks, watched movies, done some writing, all those things you feel you don't have time to do during term time. The only interaction I have had has been with the physio and the baristas in Starbucks! So although I have had a great time by myself, I am starting to go insane from lack of human contact. My friends need to hurry up and get back so that my final quarter at Santa Cruz can get underway!
Oh would you look at that, my friend is calling. I bet she has just got back and wants to go to Yogurtland.....
I will leave you with a visual metaphor as to how I am feeling about my future. I don't want to have to start making decisions yet.

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